
Sunday, May 19, 2013

Angel Food Cake with Berries and Cream

Do you entertain?  And really, by entertaining I mean have people over.  Entertaining sounds more like we're all actors trying to get a spot on Broadway or something.  Some people are into it and others not so much.  I happen to love company.  And I also love to feed them.  Throughout my short tenure in feeding multiple guests at one time, I have picked up some tricks and shortcuts... and they always come in handy.  Like when you accidentally set the chicken on fire under the broiler (yes, that happened) and call it "blackened".  Hey, my house didn't burn down so I consider that a win.

This dessert is one that I do a lot in the summer with many variations - chocolate angel food cake, different fruits, different ice creams and gelatos, etc.  The possibilities are endless.  Wait, what was that about ice creams and gelatos?  Yes, that is my secret and the secret of many I'm sure.   I basically buy pints of ice cream of gelato and thaw them in the fridge for this dessert - one pint for each angel food or pound cake.  When ice cream defrosts, it becomes this thick, delicious cream that is the perfect dessert topping.  It's basically creme anglais.  And who has time to make that?  Me, neither.

Here's what the ice cream looks like thawed.  Thick, rich, and ready to go.

For this version, I chose:

1 pint vanilla ice cream
strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries
store-bought angel food cake (you can certainly make your own)

The ice cream does need time to thaw in the fridge for awhile - preferably overnight.  When you're ready to serve, grab your fruit and ice cream and top your cake as desired.  It's that easy.  And I know you and your guests will love it!

Other variations:

Grilled poundcake
Grilled Peaches
Thawed Vanilla bean ice cream, Raspberry sorbet, or both

Chocolate Anglefood cake
Thawed dark chocolate gelato

Plums or nectarines
Angel food cake
Thawed sweet cream ice cream

What combination would you use? 

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